welcome Stocktwits Users

What makes us different: 

Our Z-Stock-Options overnight trading style is for part time traders,  those that work and/or have very limited spare time to chart, monitor and track stocks and the market throughout the day,  yet still have a desire to actively trade.   

We require less than 30 minutes per day of your time.      

Our NEW 24/7 hour chatroom is FREE to JOIN.  Come Join us now  -  https://discord.gg/F4XTE7b

For those that are new to Stock OPTION trading,  we will recommend and point you to some basic Option Trading videos to help get you started. We will be available in the chat room near the open and close of the stock market most every day to answer your questions.  

*** Our key to trading options is entering every trade with monetary discipline and a well defined plan that we provide.   

Z-Stock-Options.Com   -  We make it all simple for you  -  Join us today for FREE.      

Note:  Videos below are quite helpful to option trading beginners but not affiliated with Z-Stock-Options